Summer was too eager this season, slamming into us in June, with hardly a chance to acclimate to the extreme temperature changes. Through the soupy heat, and amongst the anticipation of sunshine and new growth, my migraines were rife—in sync with the ridiculously overactive thermometer. Now that this body of mine has reluctantly embraced the summer heat, August has snuck in, hinting at fall to come.
I welcome August and perhaps a chance to seize the last days of summer, migraine free. Of course, now that the body has formed a hesitant agreement with the summer temperatures, we are confronted with the barometer and summer storms that move that instrument so violently.
There was a time that I loved a fierce midwest thunderstorm rumbling across the evening sky. The fierce, melodic sounds of hammering rain on the roof tiles, coupled with the glow of ten thousand suns bolting across the sky, always left me mesmerized at the power of nature. These days however, I dread the tempests from the west and the havoc that may result amidst the ancient trees that surround me. I fear for the safety of these centenarians and the delicate cornflake-like Pewabic tiles on our roof … and then of course, the return of the dreaded migraine.
I can only wish that these storms hitting southeast Michigan are calming down for the season. The gardens and turf need time to dry out and prepare for the fall season, and I need time to enjoy a few weeks of bliss.
Today I found myself perched in the sun and feeling quite well, one of the first times this season. It felt good to just be, as the sunshine fell about me on my terrace haven in the sky. I whispered to my trees a few words of encouragement, promising them the worst has passed us for the season. I sensed a collective sigh, with the knowledge that August has finally arrived. The cicadas certainly were a buzz with the good word.
What’s in the works for your August? For our fleurdetroit teams in the field, they are still busy with landscape construction and estate management. The floral team, busily sourcing the local blooms coming into season have discovered several local farms producing floral gems: dahlias the size of dinner plates and penstemons with more blooms than bells in Notre Dame. Parties and fêtes are being planned and organized by the events team; the beat goes on. In the office we are planning the next wave of trips abroad for the 2024 season. And, fresh from the late summer road trip to the east coast, Joe has found many treasures from Brimfield, The Cape and New York. August continues with the buzzing activity of all the creatives at fleurdetroit. There may be a lazy haze in the air but the buzz is still quite real on the campus. Remember to be kind to yourself this August, and more importantly, enjoy the last throws of summer—for me, hopefully headache free!