Elegantly Eerie: A Halloween Design

A creepy Halloween aesthetic doesn't always have to be centered around blood and gore. Sometimes just a touch of eerie is enough to create a spooky feeling. Design a vignette with us to enjoy Halloween with elevated, curated decor and moody florals.

Creating a Mood

When sourcing items that can be deemed eerie, we went with oddities that evoke a sense of mystery. A vintage magnifying glass with a wooden handle, a stack of 1900s leather bound Luther Burbank Garden books and a pair of vintage French candlestick holders are just a few interesting pieces that help define this look. A temperamental and intentionally weathered floral arrangement styled in a Russian tole chalice also helps set the tone and the feeling for this setting. All arranged on a wooden English desk, our intent with the floral style and curated objects was to create an unsettling feeling of "who was here?” and "who will be visiting?"


There is no shortage of abundance in this look. A heaping pile of lush fruits and vegetables stacked upon a 1920s French mottled brown platter grabs your attention in this scene. Collections of black pillar candles create a moody ambience. There is a surprise in every corner—hidden treasures come together to create an uncanny and mysterious look.

Remain Intentional

With such a wildly abundant display, it's easy to lose sight of cohesion. Stay consistent with object choice, color palette, scale and textures. As for colors, keep in mind that any bold and bright colors are going to stand out and you'll lose that worn look. Let your creativity run wild while making intentional design decisions.

Designing a look inspired by any season or holiday is a true test of your imagination. It's nice to look beyond the traditional and expected, and create a look that bends the mind to rethink the ordinary. Stay inspired and stay creepy!