Explore June!

Farms, fields, flower beds and festive gatherings are all at the pinnacle of beautiful production in June. As our garden shoppes shout the colors of the season, the floral atelier, too, adds to the cacophony with plans and preparations for wonderful events to come. It is quite apparent that June is here at fleurdetroit.   


The month of June also brings forth the celebration and appreciation of the father figures in our lives. For Joseph and I, we have been fortunate to have two terrific guys in ours. Both dads have always been hands-on participants as fathers, and supportive of our many endeavors through our nearly 50 years in this world. They both taught us many values—including motivation, respect, and the value of taking chances in life. We have also been fortunate to have several other father figures, sharing poignant and valuable lessons into our outlook on life, work, and being good humans. Although not fathers ourselves, we both have mentored other young souls along, much as these men have done for us in our lives. The chain of fatherhood never ends, much as the world will continue to spin, bringing us many more Junes to come and more lessons to learn and pass on.  


So here we are in June, in the phenomenal year of 2023! BBQs and garden walks, water skiing and weeding Grandmother’s garden—there are as many varied things to do as there are stars in the summer sky. Be active and do exactly what makes you feel whole this month. One suggestion is to visit those roadside veggie stands, floral growers, local farms and farmer’s markets. Take time to meet this interesting and varied group of people. We have learned so much from the old-time farmers and the new generation of urban food and flower producers.   


Go out and explore June in Michigan!