Joyeux Noel

The first snows fell in November and the extreme cold bite whispered her name—shocking the body, the gardens and the creatures that creep and fly amongst its branches. The December Snow Queen has come back to town early!

The days are growing shorter by the second, seemingly unphased by the building festivities that December brings. Christmas, Chanukah, and the myriad of celebrations do their best to radiate light and cheer and the winter solstice reminds us that the dark days will not last forever. We are ready. Our faith in our northern resiliency to cold and early nights is unwavering. Bring on the 2023/24 reign of her highness, and embrace the month of celebrations.

The shoppes are layered with exacting treasures, festive decor and gifts for all occasions to come. We hope to catch you in the shoppe, and wish you all the best the season has to offer. If we miss our chances for an in-person salutation, embrace the holiday lights and for those friends in flocks that fly to warmer climates, travel safely and we will meet again in spring.

Be good to yourself and never forget that there is so much beauty in the world.


Joyeux Noel,  


Phillip and Joe