Moving Your Plants Indoors: Tips & Tricks

With the advent of fall comes closing the garden and transitioning plants we want to ‘save’ to the indoors to over winter for the next season. This is a process that takes a few weeks to accomplish. Selecting which plants are worth trying to bring indoors can be based upon a few factors—hardiness, natural growing conditions and sentimental value.

Check for Pesky Bugs

After determining which plants are coming in, the first thing is to use a systemic insecticide to rid your plant of bugs you may inadvertently bring in. This should be used on non-edible plants only, about 10 days prior to bringing them in. Most products for houseplants are granular, to be sprinkled on the soil and watered in. Check the label to ensure compatibility with your plants.  

Move On a Mild Day

The best time to move plants indoors is when temperatures are about the same inside and out. As plants are moved indoors, they should be placed away from air vents and drafts from exterior doors. Try to choose areas offering bright light. The addition of full-spectrum light bulbs will help supplement the amount of light a plant receives.

Keep It Bright

In Michigan, sunlight becomes a scarce commodity as the winter wears on. Even in a south facing window, there is not enough light to keep a high light plant alive through the winter. Our windows, if newer than the 1970’s, are mainly insulated. This is good for energy conservation, but they filter out the UV rays that plants require. Full-spectrum light bulbs can supplement light for higher light plants. Low light plants can usually make it if placed in a bright spot.  

After your plants are nestled inside for winter, let’s hope for an early spring!