Sweet, Humid August Air

As time quickly moves us into the later months of summer, I am reminded once again about how rapidly the years tend to roll by as we age. On the brink of 50, I now consider months more like minutes and years mere weeks. Here we are at the threshold of the end of the season, and yet I am still geared up for endless days with sunshine beyond 9:00 pm. Why have the adult, dog days of summer changed pace from a crawl to a jog? I suppose it’s time to wake up to the reality that the holidays are a mere blink away.

So, before we start with “ HO HO HO”, we had better force ourselves to breathe in that sweet, humid air of the August before it too is in the rearview mirror of summer. We need to try and slow the advancing season! Find the time to sip iced tea in the garden before our drink of choice becomes hot coca.

This season, we have nearly finished or completely closed out several projects that have spanned many years of development and installation. These moments are bittersweet for us as designers and for those on staff who have been so closely tied to the development of these designs. We love handing off these sculpted and planned environments to the owners, but we often do so with a tear. We hand off a part of us with hopes the gardens and spaces will mature with the families as intended. As cycles complete, new space is allotted for new projects to begin. With several more highly anticipated projects beginning and a few in the planning stage, we are set to stack our workload for the next year or two. I have been told that I must remind those interested in our landscape services that we indeed are collecting information or requests at this time. The early bird secures a spot on our roster!

Here on campus, we are receiving later summer inventory, refreshing displays, and quietly processing through Christmas décor that is also arriving daily. Joe, recently back from several road trips to the East Coast has procured garden treasures and true gems for interior spaces. Like time, our pace in the shoppes is rapid with movement.

As I often write, remember that despite the activity levels in your life, take time to stop and be. Life moves so quickly, and summer will be over in a blink!

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